SEO is marketing on search engines like Google and Bing. This is when questions or keywords are searched for and the results shown are not labeled as ‘ads’. For example, when someone searches for “sunglasses for women”, Google will show results with the product details and information the person is searching for. This increases brand awareness for those businesses that come up in the search results, and hopefully transactions too!
SEO marketing is useful because it attracts more visitors (traffic) to your business website and builds brand awareness, which can then lead to purchases, as mentioned above. It also helps you accurately target specific groups of people. The essence of SEO is that the higher your website is in the search ranking, the more people will access it. In the long run, this alone could help your company make a profit because it means you don’t have to pay for the top spot on the results pages.
Approximately 50,000 people search for “sunglasses for women” on Google per day. If those people all see your website on Google’s first results page and 10% of them click to see the details it means your business will have 5,000 more visitors, and even if only 1% of them are interested in purchasing your products, you will gain up to 50 customers. If your glasses are typically priced around 1,000 THB, then your business will generate (1,000*50) 50,000 THB per day.
This is a brief example of why being on Google’s first results page is becoming essential in Thailand. For any business, doing SEO to rank on search engines is useful and is one of the ways to grow your business.
*The number in the example has been made-up for explanatory purposes.
In other types of business, e.g. B2B or service businesses that do not have the option to purchase or pre-order online, doing SEO will help strengthen brand awareness and approachability. Eventually, there may be indirect results too, like people calling for more information and then becoming a target customer.